The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 701.19 points, or 2.12%, to 33,762.76, the SP 500 gained 61.35 points, or 1.45%, to 4,282.37 and the Nasdaq Composite added 139.78 points, or 1.07%, to 13,240.77.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 701.19 points, or 2.12%, to 33,762.76, the SP 500 gained 61.35 points, or 1.45%, to 4,282.37 and the Nasdaq Composite added 139.78 points, or 1.07%, to 13,240.77. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 701.19 points, or 2.12%, to 33,762.76, the SP 500 gained 61.35 points, or 1.45%, to 4,282.37 and the Nasdaq Composite added 139.78 points, or 1.07%, to 13,240.77. Moneycontrol Latest News Read More