The Indian market snapped a two-day losing streak to close with moderate gains in a highly volatile session on June 2. At close, the Sensex was up 118.57 points or 0.19 percent at 62,547.11, and the Nifty was up 46.30 points or 0.25 percent at 18,534.10. For the week, the benchmarks ended flat with Sensex adding 45.42 points and Nifty rising 34.75 points. Here are some of the market experts who helped decode the sentiment and shared some insights on the investing landscape.
The Indian market snapped a two-day losing streak to close with moderate gains in a highly volatile session on June 2. At close, the Sensex was up 118.57 points or 0.19 percent at 62,547.11, and the Nifty was up 46.30 points or 0.25 percent at 18,534.10. For the week, the benchmarks ended flat with Sensex adding 45.42 points and Nifty rising 34.75 points. Here are some of the market experts who helped decode the sentiment and shared some insights on the investing landscape. The Indian market snapped a two-day losing streak to close with moderate gains in a highly volatile session on June 2. At close, the Sensex was up 118.57 points or 0.19 percent at 62,547.11, and the Nifty was up 46.30 points or 0.25 percent at 18,534.10. For the week, the benchmarks ended flat with Sensex adding 45.42 points and Nifty rising 34.75 points. Here are some of the market experts who helped decode the sentiment and shared some insights on the investing landscape. Moneycontrol Latest News Read More