Alternative funds will continue to be the fastest-growing segment of India’s investment landscape. This growth was made possible by light-touch regulation: As conduits of foreign capital into the country, the industry has enjoyed a lot of latitude. But now that the local saver is getting entangled, expect an end to private funds’ freewheeling ways
Alternative funds will continue to be the fastest-growing segment of India’s investment landscape. This growth was made possible by light-touch regulation: As conduits of foreign capital into the country, the industry has enjoyed a lot of latitude. But now that the local saver is getting entangled, expect an end to private funds’ freewheeling ways Alternative funds will continue to be the fastest-growing segment of India’s investment landscape. This growth was made possible by light-touch regulation: As conduits of foreign capital into the country, the industry has enjoyed a lot of latitude. But now that the local saver is getting entangled, expect an end to private funds’ freewheeling ways Moneycontrol Latest News Read More