Mallikarjun Kharge donated a sum of Rs 1,38,000 from his salary to launch the “Donate for Desh” campaign in the presence of party leaders and general secretaries K C Venugopal and Jairam Ramesh and treasurer Ajay Maken.
Mallikarjun Kharge donated a sum of Rs 1,38,000 from his salary to launch the “Donate for Desh” campaign in the presence of party leaders and general secretaries K C Venugopal and Jairam Ramesh and treasurer Ajay Maken. Mallikarjun Kharge donated a sum of Rs 1,38,000 from his salary to launch the “Donate for Desh” campaign in the presence of party leaders and general secretaries K C Venugopal and Jairam Ramesh and treasurer Ajay Maken. Moneycontrol Latest News Read More