The BJP central leadership is betting big on its feisty state president K Annamalai, a former IPS officer, providing stronger opposition to the ruling DMK than what the weak AIADMK leadership is able to offer presently. But organisationally, it is the AIADMK that still has heft and the potential to bring numbers to the Lok Sabha for BJP
The BJP central leadership is betting big on its feisty state president K Annamalai, a former IPS officer, providing stronger opposition to the ruling DMK than what the weak AIADMK leadership is able to offer presently. But organisationally, it is the AIADMK that still has heft and the potential to bring numbers to the Lok Sabha for BJP The BJP central leadership is betting big on its feisty state president K Annamalai, a former IPS officer, providing stronger opposition to the ruling DMK than what the weak AIADMK leadership is able to offer presently. But organisationally, it is the AIADMK that still has heft and the potential to bring numbers to the Lok Sabha for BJP Moneycontrol Latest News Read More